Mar 23, 2020 · When you wish to use the VPN, simply launch the application, enter as the server name, sign in and authenticate with Duo. For our Linux users, the process for installation is slightly different. Head to our VPN service page and click on the GlobalProtect tab for additional instructions.

Mar 23, 2020 · When you wish to use the VPN, simply launch the application, enter as the server name, sign in and authenticate with Duo. For our Linux users, the process for installation is slightly different. Head to our VPN service page and click on the GlobalProtect tab for additional instructions. Feb 06, 2020 · Starting at 5 a.m. on Friday, February 7, 2020, the campus VPN appliances will be upgraded to the latest software version, which will improve support for accessing, especially for users using macOS Catalina as their primary OS, along with other fixes. VPN (Virtual Private Network) VPN allow you to securely access specific resources that are restricted to the SMU Network. This includes library resources, network storage drives, many applications and all intranet websites. Access VPN: Activate Your SMU Account: All Services: Computer Recommendations : Discount Software & Computers: Help with SMU Wireless: Help with Your SMU Email: Log into Canvas: Log into Box: Reset Your Password: Residence Hall Maintenance Request: Setup Your Gaming Device: SMU E-mail Setup for Cellphones: Frequently Asked Questions

3. Title the VPN as smu, and select the "SSL VPN" option under VPN Type and click create. 4. Enter the following settings (image below) by clicking on the category title. Ex. Changing the server category: would require you to click on the Server field and inputting the text shown below the title ""

Please liaise with your Faculty/SMU Staff, should your course work require VPN access into SMU network. Fill up the VPN Access Request Form and submit to IITS will evaluate and respond accordingly. For Student in China (Oasis access only) Please fill up the VPN Access Request Form - Oasis Access for Students in China and SMU VPN is required to view databases when outside the law quad. View complete list of databases. Setting Up a VPN (75754 views) Windows 10 (4344 views) Windows 7/8 (1642 views) 4. Saint Mary's University of Minnesota • A LASALLIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY Mar 13, 2020 · Then click "Add a VPN Connection" Select "Windows (built-in)" for the Provider. Label the connection "SMUMN VPN". Then enter for the address. VPN Type - can be L2TP with pre-shared key of SMUMN or PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling) See images below. Enter your university username and password. (SMUMN\username) Click Save.

The Virtual Private Network, or VPN, connection is used most when working off campus. This connection will allow you to securely access specific resources that are restricted to the SMU Network. This includes library resources, network storage drives, many applications and all intranet websites.

How To: Setup SMU VPN (FortiClient) on Mac OS X Using Custom Backgrounds with Microsoft Teams and Zoom Setup an Avaya 2050 IP Softphone Release 4.04.0217 for windows PC only