DNS Lookup: Check DNS Records for a Specific Website

DNSstuff offers DNS tools, Network tools, Email tools, DNS reporting and IP information gathering. Explore monitoring products and free DNS tools at DNSstuff. DNS Check and DNS Report Tools - Comprehensive DNS Tests The DNS Check test will run a comprehensive DNS Report for your domain. A DNS lookup is done directly against the root servers (or TLD Servers). Then we query each name server to make sure your DNS Servers all respond, measure their performance and audit the results against common best practices. DNS Tester - Global DNS Propagation Checker

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How to use Nslookup to check DNS Records You can use your ISP DNS server or google. nslookup hit enter server=DNS-Server-IP hit enter type in domain name hit enter. Using Verbose. Turning on debug will display a lot more details about the resource record such as primary name server, mail address, default TTL and much more. To turn on debug use the command below IP Blacklist Check - google-public-dns-a.google.com

Google Domains

The Reverse Lookup tool will do a reverse IP lookup. If you type in an IP address, we will attempt to locate a dns PTR record for that IP address. You can then click on the results to find out more about that IP Address. Please note that in general, your ISP must setup and maintain these Reverse DNS records (i.e. PTR records) for you. How to Find Out What DNS Server Am I Using? | TechWiser Mar 01, 2019