Chemical ligation can be extended to biologically expressed proteins enabling the semisynthesis of proteins of unlimited size that contain fluorophores or cross-linking agents at defined positions. Our goal is to introduce non-coded amino acids and other chemical groups into proteins to better understand the molecular basis of protein function.

Traceless Staudinger Ligation for the Synthesis of WARF reference number P00315US describes a method of using traceless Staudinger ligation for the total chemical synthesis of proteins. Publications Tam A., Soellner M.B. and Raines R.T. 2007. Water-Soluble Phosphinothiols for Traceless Staudinger Ligation and Integration with Expressed Protein Ligation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 11421–11430. Traceless Staudinger Ligation for Biotinylation of Title:Traceless Staudinger Ligation for Biotinylation of Acetylated Thiol-Azido Heterobifunctional Linker and Its Attachment to Gold Surface VOLUME: 22 ISSUE: 4 Author(s):Subhadip Senapati*, Sudipta Biswas and Peiming Zhang* Affiliation:Biodesign Institute and School of Molecular Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85281, Biodesign Institute and School of Molecular Sciences, Arizona Leaving Groups as Traceless Topological Modifiers for the Staudinger ligation,27 native chemical ligation28). By program-ming self-assembly motifs into leaving groups, we envision that these molecular fragments can act as traceless topological modifiers, templating the topology of the polymer network before they are expelled during gelation. Similar to many

Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics of the Traceless

Traceless β-mercaptan-assisted activation of valinyl Introduction. Native chemical ligation (NCL) is one of the most powerful and frequently used methods employed in the fields of chemistry and chemical biology1 for the construction of polypeptides and proteins.2 The versatility of the approach has encouraged continued development of surrogates, or “masked forms” of the required peptidyl thioesters,3 such as peptidyl hydrazide,4 peptide N Chemical ligation from O-acyl isopeptides via 8- and 11 General Papers ARKIVOC 2014 (iv) 91-106 Page 91 ©ARKAT-USA, Inc Chemical ligation from O-acyl isopeptides via 8- and 11-membered cyclic transition states Siva S. Panda,a Mohamed Elagawany,a,b Hadi M. Marwani,c Eray Çalışkan,a Mirna El Khatib,a Alexander Oliferenko,a Khalid A. Alamry,c and Alan R. Katritzky*a,c aCenter for Heterocyclic Compounds, Department of Chemistry,

Traceless ligation of cysteine peptides using selective deselenization. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 49(39), 7049–7053 (2010).Crossref, Medline, CAS, Google Scholar; 79 Malins LR, Payne RJ. Synthesis and utility of β-selenol-phenylalanine for native chemical ligation-deselenization chemistry. Org. Lett. 14(12), 3142–3145 (2012).

The Staudinger-Bertozzi ligation [1]: Bertozzi developed the Staudinger-then-aza-Wittig reaction shown below and demonstrated its utility in ligating large phosphorescent compounds by the amide bond. This reaction is high yielding and highly chemoselective, offering possibilities for applications in various chemical biology researches. Chemistry and Biochemistry Selected Publications . Jin S,Brea RJ,Rudd AK,Moon SP,Pratt MR,Devaraj NK "Traceless native chemical ligation of lipid-modified peptide surfactants by mixed micelle formation.", Nat Commun, 2020, Vol. 11, Issue 1, 2793 [View Abstract] Bhattacharya A,Brea RJ,Niederholtmeyer H,Devaraj NK "A minimal biochemical route towards de novo formation of synthetic phospholipid membranes.", Nat Commun